France`s top administrative court on Thursday threw out a government ban on US agro-chemicals giant Monsanto from growing a type of genetically modified corn.
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From GENE LOGSDON As you can see from the photo, a blade of corn is growing in my old pickup truck. Over the years, a hole wore into the bed, enough for a kernel to lodge in, along with a bit of the manure I`d been hauling.
If you listen to my story, you`ll hear how chef Barber made an arrangement to start growing the New England heirloom corn at the farm next to his restaurant. And for the past eight years, farmer Jack Algiere has overseen its& ...
Despite Owen Paterson`s best efforts, we are told that Monsanto are not getting very far in the EU. If only the Presstitutes at The Telegraph could be believed.
France`s top administrative court on Thursday threw out a government ban on US agro-chemicals giant Monsanto from growing a type of genetically modified corn.
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