my daughter is 9 months and shows no intrest in crawling-at all.she can stand but would rather sit ~she has sat unsupported for 2 months.I can see me.
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Lazy Daisy 17. We are very honored here at JFB to have been asked by. Lazy Daisy to produce all their relaxation music for use in classes as well as for general sale on their websites. Lazy Daisy is the leading provider of& ...
I must share this! My boy who has officially been out longer than he was in, yesterday...Dad was prompting him to speak and he held up his right arm and proclaimed `hi dad!` we were both almost in.
LH_Eflyer_Baby_Tour_London. The London leg of the Lazy Habits and Miss Baby Sol Tour has been announced. 10th October will see the two festival favourites joined by More Like Trees and Josh Bevan at the one London& ...
my daughter is 9 months and shows no intrest in crawling-at all.she can stand but would rather sit ~she has sat unsupported for 2 months.I can see me.
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