Furthermore, it opens the door for further centralisation as the Commonwealth would be able to bypass the states and deal with local government directly. The drafters of our constitution divided power solely between the Commonwealth and the ... to the detriment of the states, and potentially to the detriment of local government itself. Augusto Zimmermann, LLB, LLM, PhD (Monash), teaches legal theory and constitutional law at Murdoch University, Western Australia.
murdoch university local call
Murdoch University`s Dr Craig Whitsed has joined with the University of Queensland`s Dr Wendy Green in calling for legislators and educators to reconsider how Australia is engaging in the Asian Century. Dr Whitsed said& ...
A Murdoch University researcher says Australia should strive to have every school be a good school, and is calling on Federal political party leaders to clarify their positions on how they intend to implement recommendations from the Gonski Report. Dr Laura Perry said a ... Parents shouldn`t be forced to decide whether to send their child to a local school where outcomes are low or make a significant financial sacrifice to pay for private education,” Dr Perry said.
Murdoch University is calling on people to get their hands dirty at the launch of its tree planting season. Volunteers are needed to help plant native seedlings in Melaleuca Swamp at the South Street campus. The tree planting& ...
Furthermore, it opens the door for further centralisation as the Commonwealth would be able to bypass the states and deal with local government directly. The drafters of our constitution divided power solely between the Commonwealth and the ... to the detriment of the states, and potentially to the detriment of local government itself. Augusto Zimmermann, LLB, LLM, PhD (Monash), teaches legal theory and constitutional law at Murdoch University, Western Australia.
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